LDE Events
Important Information for Area Qualifying LDE Teams
Register online at JudgingCard.com as soon as you know that you have qualified for the Area LDE event. Student names can be changed between District and Area events and up to the day of the contest in JudgingCard. You must be registered in order to compete. Remember that qualifiers in Creed and Job Interview qualify as the participant. If that student is unable to compete at area, the fourth place team will be allowed to move up.
Join the Area LDE Remind: https://www.remind.com/join/a6lde . This is how contest flow will be communicated throughout the day. For the most immediate notifications, set your reminds to come as texts to your phone rather than just via email.
Printable Schedule Here
Room List Here
ALL TEAMS and JUDGES: check in AGET 141
B33: Rayburn Student Center-most contests will take place on the second floor of this building B7: AGET Building-Job Interview, GH and Sr. Skills, and Teacher Headquarters will be in this building.
Unloading area for props and skills: At the corners of B33, B7, B40, and Parking Lot 23
ETAMU campus map: https://inside.tamuc.edu/campuslife/CampusServices/CITESupportCenter/documents/Accessibility/campusmapAccess.pdf
All scripted events will require a Statement of Originality to be uploaded to complete registration. Even though Issues has it included in the portfolio, please upload a copy.
Your school must check in at least 30 minutes prior to your first event. Regardless of your afternoon time slot, all schools must be checked-in by 12:00 p.m
For Quiz: Jr and Sr teams from the same chapter do not have to enter at the same time, but both teams must be in the room, before any team members may leave.
Quiz will be available at 8:30. All Quizzes teams must arrive by 12:00 and begin the quiz by 2:00.
Quiz participants need to answer T/F on the top 50 of the scantron and M/C questions on the bottom 50. Participants need to bring their own FBM (brown) scantron. Team ID errors will not be fixed the day of the event. Please double check scantrons before the students compete.
Radio & Creed contestants have assigned times. You must be at the room at your assigned time in order to compete. Swaps with other chapters will follow the same process as other events.
District and Area Roster balances must have a ZERO balance in order to compete in Area LDE contest. Please double check your roster account for any missing late fee or administrative fee
Swapping Times: If you and another school agree to swap participation times, the swap must be agreed on by both advisors and both must send an email to area6ffaassociation@gmail.com to indicate that the switch will happen. All switches should be submitted by noon on Sunday, November 17 in order to appear on the printed schedule. Swaps after that time will be approved at the discretion of the Area Coordinator and event judges.
Eligibility Form: Copy and complete this form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13taZ-lSLjIfOrX4qGJpcq9EuJC-nOIQ_up9eJnSYOt4/copy You must complete, print, and sign the form and bring it with you to check-in. Schools that do not submit a form will not be eligible to compete in the Area event. Do not report to a contest room until you have checked in and submitted this form.
3 copies of Ag Issues & Job Interview paperwork